Next week is a very exciting time for me. Every May I get together with about 150 preachers in Austin and we sit at the feet of the very best biblical scholars in their field to create sermons. Yeah, I know - how geeky! So, for those of you who care, here's what I'll be up to all of next week:
Monday, May 22
6:30 Welcome and Worship
7:00 James Thompson - 1 Thessalonians
8:00 Paul Watson - Preaching the Stories of the Old Testament
8:50 Evening Prayer - Dan Rouse
Tuesday, May 23
8:00 Breakfast (provided by Parish Hermitage)
8:45 Worship
9:00 Tony Ash - Luke
10:00 Rick Marrs - Ecclesiastes
11:00 Thompson - 1 Thessalonians
Lunch Gary Holloway - The Spiritual Life of the Minister (part 1)
1:00 Allan McNicol - From Text to Sermon (Mt. 25:31-45)
7:00 Watson - Preaching the Stories of the Old Testament
8:00 Ash - Luke
8:50 Evening Prayer - Jim Martin
Wednesday, May 24
8:00 Breakfast
8:45 Worship
9:00 Ash - Luke
10:00 Marrs - Ecclesiastes
11:00 Thompson - 1 Thessalonians
Lunch Holloway - The Spiritual Life of the Minister (part 2)
1:00 Michael Weed - Preaching from Colossians (Room 114)
Jeff Peterson - Preaching Romans 14 in Churches of Christ
7:00 Worship at University Avenue - Holloway preaching
Thursday, May 25
8:00 Breakfast
8:45 Worship
9:00 Marrs - Ecclesiastes
10:00 Watson - Preaching the Stories of the Old Testament
10:50 Blessings and Sack Lunches
This looks very good!
Ray, I'm having the time of my life. The best part of the seminar is the material on Ecclesiastes (aka Qoheleth). It's wonderful, oft neglected stuff. That book can preach! We need to get together soon.
I would love to get together... I love to preach the Old Testament -- much of which is oft neglected...
Today I preached on Ben-Oni vs. Ben-Yamin in Genesis 35... A fantastic picture of the redemptive story...
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