Next week is a very exciting time for me. Every May I get together with about 150 preachers in Austin and we sit at the feet of the very best biblical scholars in their field to create sermons. Yeah, I know - how geeky! So, for those of you who care, here's what I'll be up to all of next week:
Monday, May 22
6:30 Welcome and Worship
7:00 James Thompson - 1 Thessalonians
8:00 Paul Watson - Preaching the Stories of the Old Testament
8:50 Evening Prayer - Dan Rouse
Tuesday, May 23
8:00 Breakfast (provided by Parish Hermitage)
8:45 Worship
9:00 Tony Ash - Luke
10:00 Rick Marrs - Ecclesiastes
11:00 Thompson - 1 Thessalonians
Lunch Gary Holloway - The Spiritual Life of the Minister (part 1)
1:00 Allan McNicol - From Text to Sermon (Mt. 25:31-45)
7:00 Watson - Preaching the Stories of the Old Testament
8:00 Ash - Luke
8:50 Evening Prayer - Jim Martin
Wednesday, May 24
8:00 Breakfast
8:45 Worship
9:00 Ash - Luke
10:00 Marrs - Ecclesiastes
11:00 Thompson - 1 Thessalonians
Lunch Holloway - The Spiritual Life of the Minister (part 2)
1:00 Michael Weed - Preaching from Colossians (Room 114)
Jeff Peterson - Preaching Romans 14 in Churches of Christ
7:00 Worship at University Avenue - Holloway preaching
Thursday, May 25
8:00 Breakfast
8:45 Worship
9:00 Marrs - Ecclesiastes
10:00 Watson - Preaching the Stories of the Old Testament
10:50 Blessings and Sack Lunches