Friday, September 15, 2006

Finally - Government Advice Worth Listening to

"Health Department advises consumers not to eat fresh, bagged spinach because it may be a possible cause of a multistate e Coli outbreak." No salad tonight. I think I'll begin with dessert!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! :) Caitlyn just called me a little bit ago and said that your mom just called my mom to get my address. I knew immediately that you guys had to be expecting! Congratulations! I miss you guys so much! Couldn't you please get on 20 and head east soon??? Tell Holly hi and that I love her! Tell Ryan and Kayla and Tyrel and Shelly hi! Oh and Jenny and Evie and Mr. and Mrs. B too! :) Wow! I really miss you all! Thanks for making it so easy to find your blog!