Today Holly and I spent the day in Kaufman looking for a new house. As you can see in the picture, we probably can't afford the one we both want, so now we have to resolve a long-standing point of contention between us: Holly likes old (she uses words like "antique," "historic," and "full of charm and character"), I like new things.
But first, let me rewind . . . I have accepted the position of "Senior Minister" with the Kaufman Church of Christ. How did this happen? I wasn't looking for a new church or a new job. This one kinda came looking for me - this is usually very good! This is especially good when you are a preacher because so many preachers have to leave churches under very bad circumstances. So when the Kaufman elders decided to plant a new church, they called Charles Siburt's office at ACU. He recommended me - I met with the elders, the office staff, the current preacher, I preached for them - and the rest is history!
I really struggled with this decision. Life in Abilene is very comfortable. We have a nice house, I'm close to ACU, Holly loves her work, our best friend (Jennifer) is here, and I'm fairly happy at Baker Heights. But at age 33, you can't make carreer choices based on comfort and security. What Kaufman offered me is about as exciting as it gets - I am the new Senior Minister, a 30-year-old is the new Spiritual Formation Minister, and a 23-year-old from the Southern Hills church is the new Youth and Worship Minister. Plus, this church has three new elders. They are a more "progressive" church than where I currently preach. I feel honored that they have asked me to lead this team of young ministers and this vibrant church. I really could not say no! I feel so blessed that I am leaving Baker Heights with the blessing of the elders and the respect of the congregation.
I feel so honored and so blessed and so excited, and yet hurt and scared at the same time! Please pray for me, Holly and William as we begin this new and exciting journey. Oh, and that we find the right house as well!